
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Pauwels, Heidi, and Eva De Clercq, eds. 2020. Vernacular performance, memory construction, and emotions: warrior epics, Akhārās, and giant Jinas in Gwalior, Special issue of South Asian History and Culture. Introduction DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2020.1719318 Publications, Books
Pauwels, H. 2019b. Power Permutations in Old Hindi Manuscripts: Who asks the questions and who gives the answers, Rāmānanda or Kabīr? Manuscript Studies 4.1 (Spring): 42–71. Publications, Articles
Kim, Ungsan. “Stateless Things (2011): Queer Cinema and the Critique of the Heteronormative Nation-State.” Rediscovering Korean Cinema, edited by Sangjoon Lee, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019, pp. 473-485. Publications, Essays
Cho, Heekyoung. 2019. Review of Reading Colonial Korea through Fiction: The Ventriloquists, by Kim Chul. Translated by Yoon Hye-Joon. Journal of Asian Studies 78, no. 2 (May): 460-461. Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Rindu Rustic: Singapore Nostalgias in Modern Malay Prose". Journal of Intercultural Studies, vol. 40, no. 4, July 2019, pp. 504-520. Publications, Essays
Smith, Caley Charles. 2019. “How is a Vehicular Homicide like the Sacrifice?” Self, Sacrifice, and Cosmos: Late Vedic Thought, Ritual, and Philosophy: Papers in Honor of Dr. Ganesh Umakant Thite’s Contributions to Vedic Studies, Ed. Lauren Bausch, Ratna Sagar Pvt. Ltd, 144-60. Publications
Smith, C.C. 2019. "Adhiyajña: Towards a Performance Grammar of the Vedas." Religions 2019:10:394.   Publications
Marino, Joseph. 2019. “From the Blacksmith’s Forge to the Fires of Hell: Eating the Red-Hot Iron Ball in Early Buddhist Literature.” Buddhist Studies Review 36/1: 31-51. Publications, Essays
Dubrow, Jennifer. "The Aesthetics of the Fragment: Progressivism and Literary Modernism in the Work of the All-India Progressive Writers' Association." Journal of Postcolonial Writing 55, no. 5 (2019): 589-601. DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2019.1635846. Publications, Essays
Handel, Zev. Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the Chinese Script. Brill. April, 2019. Print.  Publications, Books
Lü, C. (2019) Chinese Literacy Learning in an Immersion Program, London: Palgrave Mcmillan.   Publications, Books
Hamm, John C. The Unworthy Scholar from Pingjiang. New York City: Columbia University Press, 2019. Publications, Books
Kim, Ungsan. “The Critical Social Turn of Queer Korean Cinema: Hospitality and the Temporal Economy of Queer Kinship in The Bacchus Lady (2016).” Korea Journal 58.2 (2018): 88-112. Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Mohsin Hamid's War on Error: The Reluctant Fundamentalist as a Post-Truth Novel". CounterText, vol. 4, no. 2, August 2018, pp. 256-80. Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Mecca of Myths: Melaka in Two Hikayats". Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings. Special Issue - Postcolonial City: Southeast Asia, vol. 18, no. 2, December 2018, pp. 24-33. Publications, Essays
Paul S. Atkins. “Hengoku no kajin: yōkyoku Teika kara Myōjō e (The Poet in Limbo: From the Nō play Teika to Myōjō)” in Teika no motarashita mono, ed. Nihon Joshi Daigaku Nihon Bungakka, vol. 20 of Nihon Joshi Daigaku sōsho (Tokyo: Kanrin Shobō, 2018), pp. 69-104. In Japanese and English. Publications, Essays
“Hengoku no kajin: yōkyoku Teika kara Myōjō e (The Poet in Limbo: From the Nō play Teika to Myōjō)” in Teika no motarashita mono, ed. Nihon Joshi Daigaku Nihon Bungakka, vol. 20 of Nihon Joshi Daigaku sōsho (Tokyo: Kanrin Shobō, 2018), pp. 69-104. In Japanese and English. Publications, Essays
Dubrow, Jennifer. Cosmopolitan Dreams: The Making of Modern Urdu Literary Culture in Colonial South Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2018. Print. Publications, Books
Cho, Heekyoung. 2018. “Rethinking World Literature through the Relations between Russian and East Asian Literatures.” Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review 7, no. 2 (November): 397-422. Publications, Essays
Yu Liping, Yao Yuwen, Dai Jinhui. Teaching Grammar Interactively. Xin Xuelin, 2018. Print. Publications, Books
Pauwels, Heidi, and Anne Murphy, eds. 2018. From Outside the Persianate Center: Vernacular Views of Aurangzeb/“Alamgir.” Special  Issue of Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 28.3. Publications
Lai, C., Qi, X., Lü, C. & Lyu, B. (2018) The effectiveness of guided inductive instruction and deductive instruction on semantic radical development in Chinese character processing. Language Teaching Research. Publications, Essays
Jesty, Justin. Art and Engagement in Early Postwar Japan. Cornell University Press, 2018 Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Integrated Chinese, Volume 4, Textbook, Workbook, and Character Workbook, 4th edition (co-author), Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, July 2018. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping.《中文听说读写》编写理念, Yang Xiao-Desai and Ka F. Wong (Eds), Explorations in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A Celebration of the Lifetime Achievements of Tao-Chung “Ted” Yao, Boston, Cheng and Tsui Company, May 2018. pp. 27-36 (co-author). Publications, Books