Cho, Heekyoung. 2022. “Redefined and Challenged: Anthologizing Korean Literary Studies.” In The Routledge Companion to Korean Literature, edited by Heekyoung Cho, 1-13. New York: Routledge. |
Publications, Essays |
Korean, East Asian, Literature |
Cho, Heekyoung, ed. 2022. The Routledge Companion to Korean Literature. New York: Routledge. |
Publications, Books |
Korean, East Asian, Literature |
Mack, E. 2022. Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism. California: University of California Press. DOI: |
Publications, Books |
Japanese, 20th Century, Diaspora Studies |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Reading signs and languages as historiography. A review of Syed Hussein Alatas’ Thomas Stamford Raffles". Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol. 43, no. 1, Jan 2022, pp. 108-10. |
Publications, Essays, Reviews |
Indigenous, Intellectual History, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Southeast Asian, Translation and Interpretation |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Speculative Verses of Islam in Singapore Malay Literature". The Politics of Muslim Identities in Asia, edited by Iulia Lumina, Edinburgh UP, 2022, pp.17-32. |
Publications, Essays |
Southeast Asian, Intellectual History, Religion, Textual Studies, Urban Studies |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2021b. The Vernacular Pulse of Sanskrit: Metre and More in Songs of the Gītagovinda and Bhāgavata Purāna. The Journal of Hindu Studies 14: 294–319. |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Premodern Asian Studies, Literature, Philology, Poetry and Poetics |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2021a. The Power Politics of Desire and Revenge: An Old Hindi Kīcaka-vadha Performance at the Tomar Court of Gwalior. In: Nell Hawley and Sohini Pillai, eds. Many Mahābhāratas. 237–56. Albany, NY: SUNY. |
Publications, Essays |
Aesthetics, Hindi, Literature, Performance Studies, Premodern Asian Studies, Sanskrit, South Asian |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2021c. Cultivating Emotion and the Rise of the Vernacular: The Role of Affect in ‘Early Hindi-Urdu’ Song. South Asian History and Culture 21.2: 146–65. DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2021.1878787 |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, Hindi, Urdu, Culture, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Religion |
Zhifan Sheng. "From Anthropomorphism to Becoming-Animal: Animal Agency in Zhang Guixing’s Nanyang Imagination." Tamkang Review 51.2 (June 2021), 23-44. |
Publications, Articles |
Animal Studies, Chinese, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Southeast Asian |
Cho, Heekyoung. 2021. “World Literature as Process and Relation: East Asia’s Russia and Translation.” In The Cambridge History of World Literature, edited by Debjani Ganguly, 566-584. New York: Cambridge University Press. |
Publications, Essays |
Korean, 20th Century, 21st Century, East Asian, Global and Transnational Studies, Literature, Translation and Interpretation |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Were-tigers in Were-texts: Cultural Translation and Indigeneity in the Malay Archipelago". Translation Politics in Southeast Asian Literatures, edited by Grace V.S. Chin, Routledge, 2021, pp. 66-81. |
Publications, Essays |
Southeast Asian, Indonesian, Animal Studies, Comparative Literature, Race and Ethnicity, Folklore and Mythology, Indigenous, Modernism |
Nazry Bahrawi, editor and translator. Singa-Pura-Pura: Malay Speculative Fiction from Singapore. Ethos Books, 2021. |
Publications, Translations |
21st Century, Folklore and Mythology, Novel/Prose Fiction, Public Scholarship, Science and Technology, Southeast Asian, Translation and Interpretation |
Marino, Joseph. 2021. “Mahaparaḍaha Sutra (Great Conflagration Discourse).” Journal of Gandharan Buddhist Texts, Vol 1 ( |
Publications |
Buddhist Studies, Pali and the Prakrits, Philology, Religion, Textual Studies, Writing Systems |
Marino, Joseph. 2021. “Suhadukha Sutra”. Journal of Gandharan Buddhist Texts, Vol. 1 ( |
Publications |
Buddhist Studies, Pali and the Prakrits, Digital Humanities, Philology, Textual Studies, Writing Systems |
Dubrow, Jennifer. Review of Neetu Khanna, The Visceral Logics of Decolonization, Critical Inquiry (2021). |
Publications |
South Asian, 20th Century, Aesthetics, Race and Ethnicity, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Literature, Postcolonial |
Cho, Heekyoung. 2021. “The Platformization of Culture: Webtoon Platforms and Media Ecology in Korea and Beyond.” The Journal of Asian Studies 80, no. 1 (February): 73-93. |
Publications, Essays |
Korean, 21st Century, Comics, Digital Humanities, East Asian, Media Studies, Popular Culture, Visual Culture |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2020e. Reviewing the Idea of Debate within the Intellectual History of South Asia: Early Modern Vernacular Inter- and Intra-Religious Dialogues. Zeitschrift fūr Indologie und Südasienstudien 37: 96–123 |
Publications, Articles |
Hindi, History, Intellectual History, Literature, Religion, Textual Studies |
Zhifan Sheng. "数字档案与民国女性期刊研究的方法论反思——以《妇女杂志》数据库为例 Digital Archive and Methodological Reflections on Studies of Women’s Periodicals in Republican China: A Case Study of Databases of Ladies’ Journal." 数字人文 Journal of Digital Humanities 2 (2020): 171-179. |
Publications, Articles |
Chinese, Digital Humanities, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Media Studies |
Butler, Judith. 『연대하는 신체들과 거리의 정치: 집회의 수행성 이론을 위한 노트』 (Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly). Translated by Ungsan Kim and Hyosil Yang. Paju: Changbi, 2020. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
Critical Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Korean, Philosophy, Political Science, Queer Studies, Translation and Interpretation |
Smith, Caley Charles. 2020. “The Invisible World of the Rigveda.” The Wiley Blackwell Companion to World Literature, vol. I, Ed. K. Seigneurie. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 27-39. |
Publications |
Sanskrit, Aesthetics, Comparative Literature, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Textual Studies, Translation and Interpretation |
Marino, Joseph. 2020. “The Gāndhārī ‘Discourse on Pleasure and Pain’: Some Thoughts on Similes and Textual Variation in the Connected Discourses,” in Dhammadinnā, ed., Research on the Saṃyukta-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation. |
Publications |
Buddhist Studies, Chinese, Pali and the Prakrits, Literature, Philology |
Chou, Ying-Hsiu. Deconstructing the Construction: The Female Images in Chinese Detective Films, 2010-2020. Video Essay. 2020. |
Publications, Film/Video |
Chinese, Anthropology, Digital Humanities, Film/Cinema, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies |
Fuxue yu xuanxue: Kang Dawei zixuan ji《賦學與選學:康達維自選集》. Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe, 2020. |
Publications, Books |
Chinese, Literature |
Dubrow, Jennifer. "Singing the Revolution: India's Anti-CAA Protests and Faiz's 'Hum Dekhenge.'" Positions: Asia Critique (2020). |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, Urdu, 21st Century, Comparative Literature, Literature, Modernism, Postcolonial, Social Justice |
Lü, C. (2020). Teaching and learning Chinese through immersion: A case study from the North American context. Frontiers of Education in China (special issue: The Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language: The Current Situation and Future Directions), 15, 1, 91-141. |
Publications, Essays |
Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition |