General Course Policies:
- A student who does not attend the first three consecutive days of a class may be dropped.
- A student may be dropped or placed in a different class level at the instructor's discretion if the student is not appropriate for the class.
- ACCESS Program students' forms cannot be signed until the third day of the quarter. This is dependent upon the availability of space and at the discretion of the instructor.
- For non-matriculated students, please follow the instructions for Non-Degree Enrollment. After receiving the instructor's signature on the registration approval form, visit Gowen 225 or email the Academic Counselor at to arrange for the departmental signature.
Add Code Policies:
- If you receive an add code, use it immediately; they are valid only for the quarter they are issued, and if not used within the time frame given to you by the instructor, they will be invalidated.
For all languages and levels (except those listed below), consult specific course information in the Time Schedule. Every section has specific instructions regarding entry codes, located in the Time Schedule. The main office does not maintain or distribute add codes.
Language-Specific Information
Classical and Modern Chinese: See additional information on Chinese Add Codes & Wait Lists.
Hindi: If you are interested in taking first-year Hindi at the UW, you must enroll in the Autumn quarter. If you miss registering for Autumn quarter you will have to wait till the start of the series in the following Academic Year. Obtain an add code by emailing Professor Heidi Pauwels.
For all other languages and levels, consult specific course information in the Time Schedule and follow the instructions.