
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Paul S. Atkins. "Nijō v. Reizei: Land Rights, Litigation, and Literary Authority in Medieval Japan." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 66:2 (2006): 495-529. Publications, Essays
Paul S. Atkins. Revealed Identity: The Noh Plays of Komparu Zenchiku. University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, 2006. Publications, Books
Nyan-Ping Bi. "Adaptation of Integrated Chinese for Heritage Students." Chinese Language Instructional Materials and Pedagogy: A Volume in Honor of Professor Liu Yuehua's Retirement, ed. Tao-chung Yao et. al. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2006. 137-148. Publications, Essays
Nyan-Ping Bi. Co-author. Integrated Chinese, Level 2, Textbook and Workbook (2nd edition). Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 2006. Publications, Books
Amy Snyder Ohta. "Confirmation checks: A discourse analytic reanalysis." Japanese Language & Literature 39 (2005): 383-412. Publications, Essays
Amy Snyder Ohta, Pauline Foster. "Negotiation for meaning and peer assistance in second language classrooms." Applied Linguistics 26.3 (2005): 402-430. Publications, Essays
Ted Mack. "Japanese poetry of Yi Sang; A Collection of Poems." The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry, ed. David McCann. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004. Publications, Essays
Ted Mack. "Marketing Japanese Classics in its 1930s Colonies." Books and Empire, a special issue of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin 28:1/2. 2004. Publications, Essays
Ted Mack. "Accounting for Taste: The Creation of the Akutagawa and Naoki Prizes for Literature." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 64:2  (2004). Publications, Essays
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. "Two focus markers in the Zhongshan Bronze Inscriptions." Meaning and Form: Pre-Modern Chinese Grammar, ed. K. Takashima and Jiang Shaoyu. München, Germany: Lincom Europe, 2004. 241-266. Publications, Essays
Liping Yu. Co-author. A Reflection of the Reality, Readings in Contemporary Chinese Short Stories, An Advanced Modern Chinese Reader. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 2004. Publications, Books
Zev Handel. "The *-i-/*-ji- distinction in the Old Chinese reconstruction system of Li Fang-kuei." Journal of Chinese Linguistics 32.2 (2004): 179-199. Publications, Essays
Zev Handel. "Methodological considerations in the application of Tibeto-Burman comparison to the reconstruction of Old Chinese." Studies on Sino-Tibetan languages: papers in honor of Professor Hwang-cherng Gong on his seventieth birthday, ed. Ying-chin Lin et al. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 2004. 603-620. Publications, Essays
Collett Cox. "From Category to Ontology: the Evolution of Dharma in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma." Journal of Indian Philosophy 32.5-6 (2004): 543-597. Publications, Essays
"Remnant Movement in Tagalog Relative Clause Formation." Linguistic > Inquiry, Squibs and Discussion, 34.4:631-640. 2003. Publications, Essays
Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis, and Haewon Cho. You Speak Korean! First-Year College Korean. Volumes 1 & 2. Seattle: Paradigmbusters, 2003. Publications, Books
Davinder Bhowmik. "Views of Ôshiro Tatsuhiro by an American Scholar." Ôshiro Tatsuhiro arubamu, ed. Kuoko Kazuo. Osaka: Bensei Shuppan, 2003. Publications, Essays
Davinder Bhowmik. "Plain Water with a Twist of Lime(stone): Magical Realism in Medoruma Shun." Proceedings of the Midwest Association for Japanese Literary Studies: Japanese Poeticity and Narrativity Revisited, vol. 9 . 2003. Publications, Essays
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. "The attributive construction in the Book of Documents." Studies in Chinese Linguistics 15 (2003): 1-8. Publications, Essays
Liping Yu. Co-author. A Step Further, An Advanced Modern Chinese Reader. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 2003. Publications, Books
David R. Knechtges, Paul Kroll, eds. Studies in Early Medieval Chinese Literature and Cultural History. In Honor of Richard B. Mather and Donald Holzman. Provo, Utah: T'ang Studies Society, 2003. Publications, Books
Zev Handel. "Northern Min tone values and the reconstruction of 'softened initials'." Language and Linguistics 4.1 (2003): 47-84. Publications, Essays
Richard G. Salomon. "Writing Systems of the Indo-Aryan Languages." The Indo-Aryan Languages, ed. G. Cardona and D. Jain. London and New York: Routledge, 2003. 67-103. Publications, Essays
Richard G. Salomon. "Gandhari and the Other Indo-Aryan Languages in the Light of Newly-discovered Kharoṣṭhi Manuscripts." The Indo-Aryan Languages, ed. G. Cardona and D. Jain. London and New York: Routledge, 2003. 67-103. Publications, Essays
Heidi Pauwels. In Praise of Holy Men: Hagiographic poems by and about Hariram Vyas. Groningen Oriental Studies 18. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 2002. Publications, Books