Kaoru Ohta. "Kakari-musubi and Focus Structure." Japanese/Korean Linguistics 10 (2002): 293-305. |
Publications, Essays |
Japanese, Korean, Linguistics |
David R. Knechtges. Court Culture and Literature in Early China. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, 2002. |
Publications, Books |
Chinese, Premodern Asian Studies, Literature |
Zev Handel. "Rethinking the medials of Old Chinese: Where are the r's?." Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 31.1 (2002): 3-32. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese, Linguistics |
Zev Handel. "Proto-Lolo-Burmese velar clusters and the origin of Lisu palatal sibilants." Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 25.1 (2002): 95-112. |
Publications, Essays |
Linguistics |
Nyan-Ping Bi. "The Myth of Establishing a Course Website." Proc. of the Second International Conference on Internet Chinese Education, December 21-24, 2001. Taipei, Taiwan: 2002. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese, Language Pedagogy |
Michio Tsutsui. "Japanese for Special Purposes: Teaching Japanese to Engineers and Scientists." Chapter 9 in Advances in Japanese Pedagogy, ed. Hiroshi Nara. Columbus, OH: National Foreign Language Center, Ohio State University, 2001. 281-313. |
Publications, Essays |
Japanese, Language Pedagogy |
Amy Snyder Ohta. Second Language Acquisition Processes in the Classroom: Learning Japanese. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. |
Publications, Books |
Japanese, Language Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition |
John Christopher Hamm. "Local Heroes: Guangdong School wuxia Fiction and Hong Kong's Imagining of China." Twentieth-Century China 27.1 (2001): 71-96. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese, 20th Century, Novel/Prose Fiction |
Nyan-Ping Bi. "Reading Comprehension Assessment: Heritage Students' Needs." Proc. of the Sixth Annual Conference of the World of Chinese Language, December 27-30, 2000. Taipei, Taiwan: 2001. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese, Language Pedagogy |
Thomas Gething. "Lao." Facts about the World’s Languages: An Encyclopedia of the World’s Major Languages, Past and Present by Garry and Rubino. New York and Dublin: H.W. Wilson Press, 2000. |
Publications, Essays |
Thai |
Soohee Kim, Emily Curtis. "Phonetic Duration of English /s/ and its borrowing in Korean." Japanese/Korean Linguistics 10 , ed. Noriko M. Akatsuka and Susan Strauss. 2000. |
Publications, Essays |
Korean, Linguistics |
Davinder Bhowmik. "Kôno Taeko." Modern Japanese Authors, ed. Jay Rubin. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons: 2000. 169-184. |
Publications, Essays |
Japanese |
Davinder Bhowmik. "Officer Ukuma." Translation of Ikemiyagi Sekihô, "Ukuma junsa." Southern Exposure: Modern Japanese Literature from Okinawa, ed. Michael Molasky Steven Rabson. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2000. 58-71. |
Publications, Translations |
Japanese |
Richard G. Salomon, Andrew Glass. A Gandhari Version of the Rhinoceros Sutra: British Library Kharoṣṭhi Fragment 5B. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000. |
Publications, Books |
Buddhist Studies, South Asian |
Collett Cox. "Whether Buddhas Arise or Do Not Arise: The Variant or Invariant Nature of Dependent Origination (pratītyasamutpāda)." Felicitation Volume for Professor Junshō Katō, ed. by Toshihiro Wada. Tokyo: Shunjusha, 2000. 580-564. |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian |
Davinder Bhowmik. "Temporal Discontinuity in the Atomic Bomb Fiction of Hayashi Kyôko." Ôe and Beyond: Fiction in Contemporary Japan, ed. Philip Gabriel and Stephen Snyder. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999. 58-88. |
Publications, Essays |
Japanese, Novel/Prose Fiction |
John Christopher Hamm. "The Marshes of Mount Liang Beyond the Sea: Jin Yong's Early Martial Arts Fiction and Post-War Hong Kong." Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 11.1 (1999): 93-123. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese, 20th Century, Novel/Prose Fiction |
Richard G. Salomon, Frank Raymond Allchin, Mark Barnard. Ancient Buddhist Scrolls from Gandhara: The British Library Kharoṣṭhi Fragments. Seattle/London: University of Washington Press/British Library, 1999. |
Publications, Books |
Buddhist Studies, South Asian |
Michio Tsutsui, B. Mohr. "Closing the Gap between Practice Environments and Reality: An Interactive Multimedia Program for Oral Communication Training in Japanese (Part 1. Theory; Part 2. Practice)." Computer Assisted Language Learning 11.2 (1998): 125-151. |
Publications, Essays |
Japanese, Language Pedagogy |
Soohee Kim. "What looks like a CV must be a CV." Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Korean Linguistics, ed. B-S. Park and H-S. Yoon. International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 1998. 299-306. |
Publications, Essays |
Korean, Linguistics |
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. "Zhi in pre-Qin Chinese." T'oung Pao LXXXIV. 1998. 239-292. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese, Linguistics |
John Christopher Hamm. "Reading the Swordswoman's Tale: Shisanmei and Ernü yingxiong zhuan." T'oung Pao 84 (1998): 328-355. |
Publications, Essays |
Chinese |
Richard G. Salomon. Indian Epigraphy. A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in the Indo-Aryan Languages. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. |
Publications, Books |
South Asian |
Kaoru Ohta. "Tense in the Subject Raising Construction." Japanese/Korean Linguistics. 1997. 353-368. |
Publications, Essays |
Japanese, Korean, Linguistics |
David R. Knechtges, co-translator and editor. Gong Kechang. Studies of the Han Fu. American Oriental Series 84. New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1997. |
Publications, Translations |
Chinese, Translation and Interpretation |