
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Pauwels, Heidi. 2018d Sītā. In Mandakranta Bose, ed. The Oxford History of Hinduism: The Goddess. 147–172. Oxford: OUP. Publications, Articles
Pauwels, Heidi. 2023. The Voice of the Indian Mona Lisa: Gender and Culture in Rajasthan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publications, Books
Dubrow, Jennifer. Review of Megan Robb, Print & the Urdu Public: Muslims, Newspapers, & Urban Life in Colonial India, The American Historical Review 128:3 (2023), pp. 1428-1429. Publications, Reviews
Nazry Bahrawi. "Indonesia’s 'Sastra Profetik' As Decolonial Literary Theory". Islam and New Directions in World Literature, edited by Sarah R. bin Tyeer and Claire Gallien, Edinburgh UP, 2023, pp. 328-356. Publications, Essays
Pauwels, Heidi. 2022a.Canonization of Bhakti Gurus: A Missing Link between Jai Singh II and Harishcandra. In: Istvan Keul and Srilata Raman, eds. Religious Authority in South Asia: Generating the Guru. 72–83. Routledge South Asian Religious Series. London: Routledge. Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Speculative Verses of Islam in Singapore Malay Literature". The Politics of Muslim Identities in Asia, edited by Iulia Lumina, Edinburgh UP, 2022, pp.17-32. Publications, Essays
Pauwels, Heidi. 2021c. Cultivating Emotion and the Rise of the Vernacular: The Role of Affect in ‘Early Hindi-Urdu’ Song. South Asian History and Culture 21.2: 146–65. DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2021.1878787 Publications, Essays
Marino, Joseph. 2021. “Mahaparaḍaha Sutra (Great Conflagration Discourse).” Journal of Gandharan Buddhist Texts, Vol 1 ( Publications
Pauwels, Heidi. 2020e. Reviewing the Idea of Debate within the Intellectual History of South Asia: Early Modern Vernacular Inter- and Intra-Religious Dialogues. Zeitschrift fūr Indologie und Südasienstudien 37: 96–123 Publications, Articles
Pauwels, Heidi, and Eva De Clercq, eds. 2020. Vernacular performance, memory construction, and emotions: warrior epics, Akhārās, and giant Jinas in Gwalior, Special issue of South Asian History and Culture. Introduction DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2020.1719318 Publications, Books
Pauwels, H. 2019b. Power Permutations in Old Hindi Manuscripts: Who asks the questions and who gives the answers, Rāmānanda or Kabīr? Manuscript Studies 4.1 (Spring): 42–71. Publications, Articles
Smith, Caley Charles. 2019. “How is a Vehicular Homicide like the Sacrifice?” Self, Sacrifice, and Cosmos: Late Vedic Thought, Ritual, and Philosophy: Papers in Honor of Dr. Ganesh Umakant Thite’s Contributions to Vedic Studies, Ed. Lauren Bausch, Ratna Sagar Pvt. Ltd, 144-60. Publications
Marino, Joseph. 2019. “From the Blacksmith’s Forge to the Fires of Hell: Eating the Red-Hot Iron Ball in Early Buddhist Literature.” Buddhist Studies Review 36/1: 31-51. Publications, Essays
Pauwels, Heidi, and Anne Murphy, eds. 2018. From Outside the Persianate Center: Vernacular Views of Aurangzeb/“Alamgir.” Special  Issue of Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 28.3. Publications
Salomon, Richard. The Buddhist Literature of Ancient Gandhāra: An Introduction with Selected Translations. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2018. Publications, Books
Pauwels, Heidi R.M. 2017. Mobilizing Krishna’s World: The Writings of Prince Sāvant Singh of Kishangarh. Seattle, University of Washington Press; Hyderabad, Orient Blackswann (262 pages) ISBN 978-0-295-74223-6 Publications, Books
Pauwels, H. 2016. “Rewriting the Sītā-Rāma Romance: Nāgarīdās’ Rām-Carit-Mālā (1749).” In The Journal of Hindu Studies 9.3: 251–272 Publications, Articles
Pauwels, Heidi R.M. 2015. Cultural Exchange in Eighteenth-Century India: Poetry and Paintings from Kishangarh. Studies in Asian Art and Culture 4. Berlin: E.B. Verlag. (301 pages) ISBN 978-3-86893-184-6 Publications, Books
Nazry Bahrawi. "Textual Desires: Literature and Islam in the Malay Archipelago". Critical Muslim (Muslim Archipelago), vol. 7, April 2014, pp. 69-79. Publications, Essays
Michael Shapiro. "Linguistic and Philological Approaches to Sacred Sikh Literature."  In Pashaura Singh and Louis E. Fenech (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies (2014: Oxford University Press, pp. 212-21) Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Fictionalizing the Utopian Impulse as Postsecular Islam: An East-West Odyssey". Literature and Theology, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2011, pp. 329-46. Publications, Essays
"Rhetorical Structure and Strategies in Asa ki var." In Gurumala: Papers in honour of Shyam Manohar Pandey, edited by Stefania Cavaliere (Naples: Annali, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"), pp. 243-58. Publications, Essays
Richard G. Salomon. Two Gandhari Manuscripts of the "Songs of Lake Anavatapta" (Anavatapta-gatha). University of Washington Press, 2008. Publications, Books
Collett Cox. "From Category to Ontology: the Evolution of Dharma in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma." Journal of Indian Philosophy 32.5-6 (2004): 543-597. Publications, Essays
Heidi Pauwels. In Praise of Holy Men: Hagiographic poems by and about Hariram Vyas. Groningen Oriental Studies 18. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 2002. Publications, Books