Pauwels, Heidi. 2018d Sītā. In Mandakranta Bose, ed. The Oxford History of Hinduism: The Goddess. 147–172. Oxford: OUP. |
Publications, Articles |
Folklore and Mythology, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Religion, South Asian |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2023. The Voice of the Indian Mona Lisa: Gender and Culture in Rajasthan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
Publications, Books |
18th Century, Art History, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Hindi, Literature, Religion |
Dubrow, Jennifer. Review of Megan Robb, Print & the Urdu Public: Muslims, Newspapers, & Urban Life in Colonial India, The American Historical Review 128:3 (2023), pp. 1428-1429. |
Publications, Reviews |
20th Century, Religion, South Asian, Urdu |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Indonesia’s 'Sastra Profetik' As Decolonial Literary Theory". Islam and New Directions in World Literature, edited by Sarah R. bin Tyeer and Claire Gallien, Edinburgh UP, 2023, pp. 328-356. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, Comparative Literature, Critical Theory, Indonesian, Literature, Postcolonial, Religion, Southeast Asian |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2022a.Canonization of Bhakti Gurus: A Missing Link between Jai Singh II and Harishcandra. In: Istvan Keul and Srilata Raman, eds. Religious Authority in South Asia: Generating the Guru. 72–83. Routledge South Asian Religious Series. London: Routledge. |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, Hindi, History, Literature, Religion |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Speculative Verses of Islam in Singapore Malay Literature". The Politics of Muslim Identities in Asia, edited by Iulia Lumina, Edinburgh UP, 2022, pp.17-32. |
Publications, Essays |
Southeast Asian, Intellectual History, Religion, Textual Studies, Urban Studies |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2021c. Cultivating Emotion and the Rise of the Vernacular: The Role of Affect in ‘Early Hindi-Urdu’ Song. South Asian History and Culture 21.2: 146–65. DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2021.1878787 |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, Hindi, Urdu, Culture, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Religion |
Marino, Joseph. 2021. “Mahaparaḍaha Sutra (Great Conflagration Discourse).” Journal of Gandharan Buddhist Texts, Vol 1 ( |
Publications |
Buddhist Studies, Pali and the Prakrits, Philology, Religion, Textual Studies, Writing Systems |
Pauwels, Heidi. 2020e. Reviewing the Idea of Debate within the Intellectual History of South Asia: Early Modern Vernacular Inter- and Intra-Religious Dialogues. Zeitschrift fūr Indologie und Südasienstudien 37: 96–123 |
Publications, Articles |
Hindi, History, Intellectual History, Literature, Religion, Textual Studies |
Pauwels, Heidi, and Eva De Clercq, eds. 2020. Vernacular performance, memory construction, and emotions: warrior epics, Akhārās, and giant Jinas in Gwalior, Special issue of South Asian History and Culture. Introduction DOI: 10.1080/19472498.2020.1719318 |
Publications, Books |
South Asian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Premodern Asian Studies, History, Literature and Other Arts, Religion |
Pauwels, H. 2019b. Power Permutations in Old Hindi Manuscripts: Who asks the questions and who gives the answers, Rāmānanda or Kabīr? Manuscript Studies 4.1 (Spring): 42–71. |
Publications, Articles |
Hindi, History, Religion, South Asian, Textual Studies |
Smith, Caley Charles. 2019. “How is a Vehicular Homicide like the Sacrifice?” Self, Sacrifice, and Cosmos: Late Vedic Thought, Ritual, and Philosophy: Papers in Honor of Dr. Ganesh Umakant Thite’s Contributions to Vedic Studies, Ed. Lauren Bausch, Ratna Sagar Pvt. Ltd, 144-60. |
Publications |
South Asian, Premodern Asian Studies, Intellectual History, Literature, Philology, Philosophy, Religion, Textual Studies |
Marino, Joseph. 2019. “From the Blacksmith’s Forge to the Fires of Hell: Eating the Red-Hot Iron Ball in Early Buddhist Literature.” Buddhist Studies Review 36/1: 31-51. |
Publications, Essays |
Buddhist Studies, History, Pali and the Prakrits, Religion |
Pauwels, Heidi, and Anne Murphy, eds. 2018. From Outside the Persianate Center: Vernacular Views of Aurangzeb/“Alamgir.” Special Issue of Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 28.3. |
Publications |
17th Century, Hindi, History, Religion, South Asian |
Salomon, Richard. The Buddhist Literature of Ancient Gandhāra: An Introduction with Selected Translations. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2018. |
Publications, Books |
Buddhist Studies, Sanskrit, Religion |
Pauwels, Heidi R.M. 2017. Mobilizing Krishna’s World: The Writings of Prince Sāvant Singh of Kishangarh. Seattle, University of Washington Press; Hyderabad, Orient Blackswann (262 pages) ISBN 978-0-295-74223-6 |
Publications, Books |
South Asian, Hindi, 18th Century, Art History, Folklore and Mythology, History, Literature, Religion |
Pauwels, H. 2016. “Rewriting the Sītā-Rāma Romance: Nāgarīdās’ Rām-Carit-Mālā (1749).” In The Journal of Hindu Studies 9.3: 251–272 |
Publications, Articles |
Folklore and Mythology, Hindi, Religion, South Asian |
Pauwels, Heidi R.M. 2015. Cultural Exchange in Eighteenth-Century India: Poetry and Paintings from Kishangarh. Studies in Asian Art and Culture 4. Berlin: E.B. Verlag. (301 pages) ISBN 978-3-86893-184-6 |
Publications, Books |
South Asian, Hindi, Urdu, 18th Century, Art History, Literature, Religion |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Textual Desires: Literature and Islam in the Malay Archipelago". Critical Muslim (Muslim Archipelago), vol. 7, April 2014, pp. 69-79. |
Publications, Essays |
Southeast Asian, Indonesian, 19th Century, 20th Century, Intellectual History, Public Scholarship, Religion, Textual Studies |
Michael Shapiro. "Linguistic and Philological Approaches to Sacred Sikh Literature." In Pashaura Singh and Louis E. Fenech (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies (2014: Oxford University Press, pp. 212-21) |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, 17th Century, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion |
Nazry Bahrawi. "Fictionalizing the Utopian Impulse as Postsecular Islam: An East-West Odyssey". Literature and Theology, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2011, pp. 329-46. |
Publications, Essays |
Indonesian, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, Religion |
"Rhetorical Structure and Strategies in Asa ki var." In Gurumala: Papers in honour of Shyam Manohar Pandey, edited by Stefania Cavaliere (Naples: Annali, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"), pp. 243-58. |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, 17th Century, Philology, Religion, Rhetoric and Composition |
Richard G. Salomon. Two Gandhari Manuscripts of the "Songs of Lake Anavatapta" (Anavatapta-gatha). University of Washington Press, 2008. |
Publications, Books |
Buddhist Studies, South Asian, Religion, Textual Studies |
Collett Cox. "From Category to Ontology: the Evolution of Dharma in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma." Journal of Indian Philosophy 32.5-6 (2004): 543-597. |
Publications, Essays |
South Asian, Religion |
Heidi Pauwels. In Praise of Holy Men: Hagiographic poems by and about Hariram Vyas. Groningen Oriental Studies 18. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 2002. |
Publications, Books |
South Asian, Religion |