
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
The Voice of the Indian Mona Lisa: Gender and Culture in Rajasthan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publications, Books
Zhifan Sheng. “数字档案与民国女性期刊研究的方法论反思——以《妇女杂志》数据库为例 Digital Archive and Methodological Reflections on Studies of Women’s Periodicals in Republican China: A Case Study of Databases of Ladies’ Journal.” 数字人文 Journal of Digital Humanities 2 (2020): 171-179. Publications, Essays
Butler, Judith. 『연대하는 신체들과 거리의 정치: 집회의 수행성 이론을 위한 노트』 (Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly). Translated by Ungsan Kim and Hyosil Yang. Paju: Changbi, 2020. Publications, Books, Translations
Chou, Ying-Hsiu. Deconstructing the Construction: The Female Images in Chinese Detective Films, 2010-2020. Video Essay. 2020. Publications, Film/Video
Kim, Ungsan. “Stateless Things (2011): Queer Cinema and the Critique of the Heteronormative Nation-State.” Rediscovering Korean Cinema, edited by Sangjoon Lee, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019, pp. 473-485. Publications, Essays
Kim, Ungsan. “The Critical Social Turn of Queer Korean Cinema: Hospitality and the Temporal Economy of Queer Kinship in The Bacchus Lady (2016).” Korea Journal 58.2 (2018): 88-112. Publications, Essays
Butler, Judith, and Athena Athanasiou. 『박탈: 정치적인 것에 있어서의 수행성에 관한 대화』 (Dispossession: The Performative in the Political). Translated by Ungsan Kim. Seoul: Jaeumgwa Moeum, 2016.   Publications, Books, Translations
Heidi Pauwels. The Goddess as Role Model: Sita and Radha in Scripture and on Screen. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Publications, Books
Heidi Pauwels. "Stealing a Willing Bride: Women’s agency in the myth of Rukmini's Elopement." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 17.4 (2007): 407-441. Publications, Essays