
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Butler, Judith. 『지금은 대체 어떤 세계인가』 (What World Is This?: A Pandemic Phenomenology). Translated by Ungsan Kim. Paju: Changbi, 2023. Publications, Books, Translations
Butler, Judith. 『연대하는 신체들과 거리의 정치: 집회의 수행성 이론을 위한 노트』 (Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly). Translated by Ungsan Kim and Hyosil Yang. Paju: Changbi, 2020. Publications, Books, Translations
Smith, Caley Charles. 2019. “How is a Vehicular Homicide like the Sacrifice?” Self, Sacrifice, and Cosmos: Late Vedic Thought, Ritual, and Philosophy: Papers in Honor of Dr. Ganesh Umakant Thite’s Contributions to Vedic Studies, Ed. Lauren Bausch, Ratna Sagar Pvt. Ltd, 144-60. Publications
Butler, Judith, and Athena Athanasiou. 『박탈: 정치적인 것에 있어서의 수행성에 관한 대화』 (Dispossession: The Performative in the Political). Translated by Ungsan Kim. Seoul: Jaeumgwa Moeum, 2016.   Publications, Books, Translations
Michael Shapiro. "Linguistic and Philological Approaches to Sacred Sikh Literature."  In Pashaura Singh and Louis E. Fenech (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies (2014: Oxford University Press, pp. 212-21) Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Fictionalizing the Utopian Impulse as Postsecular Islam: An East-West Odyssey". Literature and Theology, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2011, pp. 329-46. Publications, Essays