
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kaoru Ohta. "Tense in the Subject Raising Construction." Japanese/Korean Linguistics. 1997. 353-368. Publications, Essays
Collett Cox. "Kaśmīra: Vaibhāsika Orthodoxy." Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Scholasticism, for Handbuch der Orientalistik by Charles Willemen, Bart Dessein, and Collett Cox. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997. Publications, Essays
Thomas Gething. "Review of Tai Languages, Linguistics, and Literature by Compton & Hartmann." Journal of the Association for Asian Studies 54 (1995): 253-254. Publications, Essays
Kaoru Ohta. "The Verbal Stem Form of Japanese." Journal of Association of Teachers of Japanese (1995): 79-126. Publications, Essays
Collett Cox. "Attainment through Abandonment: The Sarvāstivādin Path of Removing Defilements." Paths to Liberation: The Mārga and its Transformations in Buddhist Thought, ed. Robert Buswell and Robert Gimello. Studies in East Asian Buddhism 7. Honolulu: Kuroda Institute, University of Hawaii Press, 1992. 63-105. Publications, Essays
Michio Tsutsui. "Establishing Anaphoric Reference: A Contrastive Study of The and Wa." International Communication Studies 1.1 (1991): 197-218. Publications, Essays
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. "Tone sandhi across Chinese dialects." Wang Li Memorial Volumes: English Volume. Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong: 1987. 445-474. Publications, Essays
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. "Phonological distinctions among Old Chinese initials." Bulletin of the Chinese Language Society of Japan 223 (1976): 2-5. Publications, Essays
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. "Mandarin Syntactic Structures." Unicorn 8. Princeton University, 1971. Chinese translation 1982. Japanese translation 1986. Publications, Essays
2021b. The Vernacular Pulse of Sanskrit: Metre and More in Songs of the Gītagovinda and Bhāgavata Purāna. The Journal of Hindu Studies 14: 294–319. Publications, Essays
Jennifer Dubrow. "A Space for Debate: Fashioning the Urdu Novel in Colonial India." Comparative Literature Studies, forthcoming. Publications, Essays
William Boltz, Michael C. Shapiro. Studies in the Historical Phonology of Asian Languages. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 77. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Publications, Essays
Amy Snyder Ohta. "Limitations of social interaction in second language acquisition: Learner “voices” and mediation in the zone of proximal development." Conceptualising ‘Learning’ in Applied Linguistics, ed. Paul Seedhouse. London: Multilingual Matters (forthcoming). Publications, Essays