
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Pauwels, Heidi. 2022b. Un Mahābhārata vernaculaire prémoderne: Performances et émotions à Gwalior au xve siècle. In : Anne Castaing and Ingrid Le Gargasson, eds. Performances de la littérature en Asie du Sud : Réciter, interpréter, jouer. Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence. Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Speculative Verses of Islam in Singapore Malay Literature". The Politics of Muslim Identities in Asia, edited by Iulia Lumina, Edinburgh UP, 2022, pp.17-32. Publications, Essays
Marino, Joseph. 2021. “Mahaparaḍaha Sutra (Great Conflagration Discourse).” Journal of Gandharan Buddhist Texts, Vol 1 ( Publications
Marino, Joseph. 2021. “Suhadukha Sutra”. Journal of Gandharan Buddhist Texts, Vol. 1 ( Publications
Pauwels, Heidi. 2020e. Reviewing the Idea of Debate within the Intellectual History of South Asia: Early Modern Vernacular Inter- and Intra-Religious Dialogues. Zeitschrift fūr Indologie und Südasienstudien 37: 96–123 Publications, Articles
Smith, Caley Charles. 2020. “The Invisible World of the Rigveda.” The Wiley Blackwell Companion to World Literature, vol. I, Ed. K. Seigneurie. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 27-39. Publications
Pauwels, H. 2019b. Power Permutations in Old Hindi Manuscripts: Who asks the questions and who gives the answers, Rāmānanda or Kabīr? Manuscript Studies 4.1 (Spring): 42–71. Publications, Articles
Smith, Caley Charles. 2019. “How is a Vehicular Homicide like the Sacrifice?” Self, Sacrifice, and Cosmos: Late Vedic Thought, Ritual, and Philosophy: Papers in Honor of Dr. Ganesh Umakant Thite’s Contributions to Vedic Studies, Ed. Lauren Bausch, Ratna Sagar Pvt. Ltd, 144-60. Publications
Smith, C.C. 2019. "Adhiyajña: Towards a Performance Grammar of the Vedas." Religions 2019:10:394.   Publications
Handel, Zev. Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the Chinese Script. Brill. April, 2019. Print.  Publications, Books
Dubrow, Jennifer. Cosmopolitan Dreams: The Making of Modern Urdu Literary Culture in Colonial South Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2018 (forthcoming). Publications, Books
Dubrow, Jennifer. "Serial Fictions: Urdu Print Culture and the Novel in Colonial South Asia." Indian Economic and Social History Review 54, no. 4 (2017): 403-422. Publications, Essays
Paul S. Atkins. Teika:  The Life and Works of a Medieval Japanese Poet.  Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2017. Publications, Books
Nazry Bahrawi. "George E. Dutton (ed.). Voices of Southeast Asia: Essential Readings from Antiquity to the Present. Armonk, New York; London, England: ME Sharpe, 2014. 235 pp". TRaNS: Trans-Regional and-National Studies of Southeast Asia, volume 4, no. 2, June 2016, pp. 433-35. Publications, Essays
Smith, Caley Charles. 2016. "Exploring Impossible Authors.” Veda and Vedic Literature: Proceedings from the 16th World Sanskrit Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, June 28th-July 2nd, 2015, vol.4. Ed. Hans Henrich Hock. New Delhi: DK Publishers Distributors Pvt. Ltd, 209-25.  Publications
Cho, Heekyoung. 2016. “Translation and Censorship: Colonial Writing and Anti-imperial Imagination of Asia in 1910s Korea.” In Spaces of Possibility: In, Between and Beyond Korea and Japan, edited by Andrea Arai and Clark Sorenson, 290-308. Seattle: University of Washington. Publications, Essays
Nazry Bahrawi. "Textual Desires: Literature and Islam in the Malay Archipelago". Critical Muslim (Muslim Archipelago), vol. 7, April 2014, pp. 69-79. Publications, Essays
Ted Mack. Shiatoru-ban Nihongo tokuhon. Tokyo: Bunsei Shoin, 2012. Publications, Books
Richard G. Salomon. Two Gandhari Manuscripts of the "Songs of Lake Anavatapta" (Anavatapta-gatha). University of Washington Press, 2008. Publications, Books
Pauwels, H. 2019b. Power Permutations in Old Hindi Manuscripts: Who asks the questions and who gives the answers, Rāmānanda or Kabīr? Manuscript Studies 4.1 (Spring): 42–71. Publications, Articles