
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Jyana S. Browne, "Creating a Public: Love Suicide on the Osaka Stage, 1703-1722."  Ph.D. dissertation, School of Drama, University of Washington, 2017. Graduate, Dissertations
Kai Xie, “Remapping the Sino-Japanese Dialectic: Interplays of Japanese and Sino- Japanese Verse in Premodern Japan.” Department of Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington, 2017.  Graduate, Dissertations
Skinner, Michael. (2016). Imperial Congruencies and Interregional Connections: The Role of the Kuṣāṇa Empire in Shaping the Early Historic Period. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Washington, Seattle. Graduate, Dissertations
Castro, Genoveva. Wājid 'Alī Shāh Plays Krishna's Stolen Flute : The Multiplicity of Voices in the King of Awadh's Dramatic Work. Seattle]: University of Washington, 2016. Graduate, Dissertations
Diamond, Christopher. expected 2019. “Poet, Scholar, Saint: Competing Vernacular Memories of Vidyāpati (16th-19th cent. CE)” Graduate, Dissertations
Lin, Qian. (2015). Mind in Dispute: The Section on Mind in Harivarman’s *Tattvasiddhi (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Washington, Seattle. Graduate, Dissertations
Pahlajrai, Prem. (2014). Niścaldās and his Vṛttiprabhākar: Advaita Vedānta in the Vernacular (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Washington, Seattle. Graduate, Dissertations
Ritter, Valerie. Useful Absences and the Nature of the Modern : Ayodhyāsiṁh Upādhyāy "Hariaudh" (1865-1947), His Priyapravās (1914), and Hindi Poetry. University of Washington, 2001. Graduate, Dissertations
Shih, Chia-Ying. (2014) The Transformation of Satire: Satirical Fiction in Wartime Chongqing (1937-1945) (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Unversity of Washington, Seattle. Graduate, Dissertations