
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Salomon, Richard. The Buddhist Literature of Ancient Gandhāra: An Introduction with Selected Translations. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2018. Publications, Books
Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide. Part Two. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Publications, Books
Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, 5 volumes, ed. by Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Yueguo Gu, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang, and James Myers. Leiden: Brill. 2017. Publications, Books
Fuxue yu xuanxue: Kang Dawei zixuan ji《賦學與選學:康達維自選集》. Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe, 2020. Publications, Books
Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry. Ed. Ping Wang and Nicholas Morrow Williams. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2015. Print. Publications, Books
The Voice of the Indian Mona Lisa: Gender and Culture in Rajasthan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publications, Books
Mack, E. 2022. Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism. California: University of California Press. DOI: Publications, Books
McKay, Todd, and Nandini Abedin. (2018). Developing a C-test for Bangla. In J. M. Norris (Ed.), Developing C-tests for estimating proficiency in foreign language research. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping.《中文听说读写》编写理念, Yang Xiao-Desai and Ka F. Wong (Eds), Explorations in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A Celebration of the Lifetime Achievements of Tao-Chung “Ted” Yao, Boston, Cheng and Tsui Company, May 2018. pp. 27-36 (co-author). Publications, Books
Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide. Part Two. Part Three, Part IV. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Book, with Taiping Chang: Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide. Part Three. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Book, with Taiping Chang: Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide. Part Four. Leiden: Brill, 2014.  Publications, Books
Amy Snyder Ohta. Second Language Acquisition Processes in the Classroom: Learning Japanese. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. Publications, Books
Amy Snyder Ohta. Second Language Acquisition Processes in the Classroom: Learning Japanese. Publications, Books
Amy Snyder Ohta. Junko Mori, eds. Japanese Applied Linguistics: Discourse and Social Perspectives. London: Continuum, 2008. Publications, Books
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. Comparative Chinese Dialectal Grammar -- Handbook for Investigators. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, 1993. Publications, Books
Anne Yue-Hashimoto. Studies in Yue Dialects 1: Phonology of Cantonese. Cambridge University Press, 1972. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Building Discourse Level Proficiency: A Graduated Approach to Teaching Geography, A Curriculum Module, the College Board, New York, September 2013. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Integrated Chinese, Volume 1, Textbook, Workbook, and Character Workbook, 4th edition (co-author), Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, November 2016. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Co-author. Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Part 2, Teacher's Handbook. Boston: Cheng & Tsui Company, 2011. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. “Revisiting Performance Levels and Communicative Modalities: Reflections on TCFL Teacher Training,” Yang Xiao-Desai and Ka F. Wong (Eds), Explorations in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A Celebration of the Lifetime Achievements of Tao-Chung “Ted” Yao, Boston, Cheng and Tsui Company, May 2018. pp. 163-168. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Integrated Chinese, Volume 2, Textbook, Workbook, and Character Workbook, 4th edition (co-author), Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, August 2017.  Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Integrated Chinese, Volume 3, Textbook, Workbook, and Character Workbook, 4th edition (co-author), Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, December 2017. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Integrated Chinese, Volume 4, Textbook, Workbook, and Character Workbook, 4th edition (co-author), Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, July 2018. Publications, Books
Bi, Nyan-Ping. Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Curriculum Design and Instruction (co-editor), Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, August 2015. Publications, Books
Butler, Judith, and Athena Athanasiou. 『박탈: 정치적인 것에 있어서의 수행성에 관한 대화』 (Dispossession: The Performative in the Political). Translated by Ungsan Kim. Seoul: Jaeumgwa Moeum, 2016.   Publications, Books, Translations
Butler, Judith. 『연대하는 신체들과 거리의 정치: 집회의 수행성 이론을 위한 노트』 (Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly). Translated by Ungsan Kim and Hyosil Yang. Paju: Changbi, 2020. Publications, Books, Translations