JAPAN 441 A: The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second or Foreign Language

Winter 2022
MW 1:30pm - 3:20pm / DEM 012
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

JAPAN 441: The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second/Foreign Language

How do people learn Japanese?  How are languages learned in general?  How can we learn more about language learning processes?  In this course, these questions will be addressed by considering Japanese second language acquisition (SLA) research themes that are of interest to students new to the study of SLA. Themes include classroom SLA, learner language, language learning motivation, language learning and gender, and study abroad. Students will read research on Japanese SLA in each of these areas, with lectures clarifying theoretical frameworks and broader findings in the field, as well as introducing some Japanese-specific research. Students will also collect and analyze data, with interview research being taught as a methodology of inquiry. This course is taught in English.

Prerequisites:  Japan 203/213/234.  Students without a background in Japanese may enroll with permission.

Assignment descriptions are below in the Course Summary. For learning objectives, grading practices and course policies, see the Syllabus. To enter scheduled class meetings on Zoom, click the "Zoom" link below.

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Catalog Description:
Focuses on how Japanese is acquired or learned by non-native speakers in North America and Japan. Includes study of how Japanese is learned in both naturalistic settings such as study abroad and in foreign language classrooms. Prerequisite: either JAPAN 203, JAPAN 213, any 300-level JAPAN course, or any 400-level JAPAN course (any of which may be taken concurrently); and either JAPAN 343, JAPAN 344, ASIAN 401, CHIN 342, any 200-level LING course, or any 300-level LING course.
Last updated:
March 1, 2025 - 9:17 am