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People - Full Directory
Please Note: Faculty and TAs do not hold office hours during Finals Week and Quarter Breaks.
Name | Title | Email/Phone | Office Hours |
Andriiuk, Tetiana | MA Student in Japanese linguistics | tanitaan@uw.edu | |
Arroyave, Juan Felipe | MA Student in Japanese literature, Teaching Assistant in Japanese | tommib@uw.edu | GWN M230 Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm and by appointment |
Atkins, Paul S. | Professor, Japanese Program Coordinator | patkins@uw.edu 206-543-4925 |
GWN M247 Tuesdays, Thursdays 3:30-4:00pm |
Barber, Grace | PhD Student in Asian Languages and Cultures | gbarber1@uw.edu | |
Bhowmik, Davinder | Associate Professor, Peer Teaching Review Committee Chair | dbhowmik@uw.edu 206-543-4699 |
GWN M239 Mondays 12:00-1:00pm |
Chen, Liyao | Doctoral Candidate in Chinese, PreDoctoral Instructor in Chinese | lc6113@uw.edu | GWN M226 Mondays, Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm |
Chen, Mingxi | MA student in Asian Languages and Cultures | mxchen3@uw.edu | |
DeTora, Benjamin | Doctoral Candidate in Japanese literature | bdetora@uw.edu | |
Ding, Jamie | MA Student in Japanese literature | jding815@uw.edu | |
Gelvin, Sarah | MA student in Japanese literature | gelvins@uw.edu | |
Gershman, William | MA Student in Japanese literature, Teaching Assistant in Japanese, GSA Book Sale Coordinator | wgersh@uw.edu | GWN M230 Wednesdays 11:00am-12:00pm |
Hung, Tzu-Lu (Lulu) | PhD Student in Japanese literature, President, Asian L&L Graduate Student Association (GSA) | tzuluh@uw.edu | |
Iwata, Akiko | Assistant Teaching Professor | iwata3@uw.edu 206-543-6628 |
GWN 244 Thursdays 12:30-1:30pm |
Jesty, Justin | Associate Professor | jestyj@uw.edu | DEN 343 Tuesdays 12:00-1:00pm and by appointment |
Jiang, Lisa | MA Student in Japanese literature, Teaching Assistant in Japanese | lisajsp@uw.edu | GWN M230 Thursdays 10:00-11:00am |
Kundert, Raechel | MA Student in Asian Languages and Cultures | raech525@uw.edu | |
Lanneau, Grainger | Doctoral Candidate in Chinese | gl38@uw.edu | |
Li, Xi (Milky) | MA student in Japanese | xli32@uw.edu | |
Mack, Ted | Professor, Undergraduate Education Committee Chair | tmack@uw.edu 206-543-4356 |
GWN 248 Fridays 11:30am-12:30pm |
Malik, Nicholas | MA Student in Japanese literature, Teaching Assistant in Japanese | nmalik06@uw.edu | GWN M230 Fridays 10:00-11:00am |
Matsuda-Kiami, Izumi | Teaching Professor, Diversity Committee Chair | matsuda@uw.edu 206-543-0066 |
GWN 250 Tuesdays 1:00-2:00pm, Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm |
Nishikawa, Itsuko | Teaching Professor, TA Training Committee Chair | inishi@uw.edu 206-543-4995 |
GWN M248 Tuesdays 12:00-1:00pm |
Ofori-Dankwa, Daniel | MA Student in Japanese literature | dkofori@uw.edu | |
Ohta, Amy Snyder | Professor | aohta@uw.edu 206-543-6315 |
GWN 247 No office hours AU24 |
Ohta, Kaoru | Teaching Professor | kaoru@uw.edu 206-543-6936 |
GWN 246 Tuesdays, Thursdays 10:30-11:20am |
Reynolds, Codi | PhD student in Japanese literature | ccr10026@uw.edu | |
Schnell, Anna | MA Student in Japanese literature | aks90@uw.edu | |
Seipke, Aidan | MA Student in Japanese literature | awseipke@uw.edu | |
Shi, Qinwei (Angelina) | MA Student in Japanese literature | qwshi01@uw.edu | |
Takeda, Fumiko | Assistant Teaching Professor, Japanese Language Coordinator | fumikot@uw.edu 206-616-2113 |
GWN 229 Wednesdays 2:00-3:00pm |
Xu, Sherry | PhD Student in Japanese literature, Teaching Assistant in Japanese, Treasurer, Asian L&L Graduate Student Association (GSA) | jinyuexu@uw.edu | GWN M230 Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm |
Zhang, Wenyue (Evangeline) | MA Student in Japanese linguistics | akagitan@uw.edu |
Adjunct/Affiliate Faculty
Name | Title | Email/Phone | Office Hours |
Ogihara, Toshiyuki | Adjunct; Professor in Linguistics | ogihara@uw.edu | |
Tsujihara, Rie | Affiliate Assistant Professor, Japanese Applied Linguistics | rtsuji@uw.edu | GWN 247 Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm (on Zoom | https://washington.zoom.us/my/tsujihara) |
Emeriti Faculty
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