KOREAN 365 A: Korean Pop Culture

Winter 2022
MW 1:30pm - 3:20pm / DEN 259
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):
My_Sassy_Girl_Movie_Poster.jpg Parasite_(2019_film).png

Viewing Korean Society through Contemporary Comedic, Humorous, and Satirical Films

This course explores how popular comedic, humorous, and satirical films reflect the cultural narratives in Korean society. While many of these films are recognizably comedic, some fall into categories of “dark humor” that take on more controversial themes and produce little or no laughter. Spanning and blending multiple genres—a common trend in contemporary Korean Cinema—the films in this class reflect major trends and milestones in recent film history, including its star culture. Through these films, we will examine different aspects of Korean society, popular culture, film industry, and history as well as various social issues—often controversial or taboo—that emerge within the films. Finally, as part of the course, we explore various humor theories, Korean concepts of humor, and how Korean film uses humor as satire, critique, and escape.

This is a survey course of contemporary issues in Korean society and popular culture with a significant portion dedicated to discussion and close examination of Korean films. I will introduce the subject topics and provide historical background and/or cultural background for the majority of the films so no background in Korean studies or history is required (though it is helpful). Since a portion of the class will be dedicated to discussion, students will be responsible for doing the required readings or viewing of films prior to class.

  • In person
    • Location: DEN 259
    • Time: M, W 1:30- 3:20 p.m.
  • First week of class will be on ZOOM

Instructor: Dr. Emily Marie Anderson Hall
Email: emily4mi@uw.edu
Office: SMI 113 A
Office Hours: TBA

Required Books

All required readings will be available in Canvas. Required films will be available as streaming links (with English subtitles) within Canvas.


  • Class Participation 15%
  • Humor Concepts Quiz 15%
  • Weekly Graded Discussion Board 50%
  • Satire and/or Parody Film Project and Presentation 20%
    • (**This will be explained on the first day of class**)

**This course description is subject to changes and/or updates**

Catalog Description:
Focuses on Korean popular culture in modern and contemporary Korea and beyond.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
February 17, 2025 - 11:48 am