Vietnamese Course Descriptions

The department offers first-year, second-year, third-year Vietnamese, and Accelerated Vietnamese Reading and Writing. Students may also take courses in Special Topics in Vietnamese and Special Studies in Vietnamese. Please see the UW Course Catalog for course descriptions and Courses for class offerings per quarter. 

Viet 101, 103, 103:
First-year non-heritage Vietnamese, offered to those students with no prior knowledge or exposure to Vietnamese language.

Viet 111, 112, 113:
Elementary Vietnamese classes, offered to those with minimal exposure to Vietnamese language at home or in the community.

Viet 121, 122, 123:
First-year heritage Vietnamese, offered to Vietnamese heritage students who have been exposed to informal, spoken Vietnamese language at home or in the community. 

Viet 211, 212, 213: Skill development
Intermediate Vietnamese classes, offered to those who can read and write basic Vietnamese passages with tones and marks.

Viet 311, 312, 313: Skill enhancement
Advanced Vietnamese classes, offered to those who can listen to and read authentic Vietnamese texts (radio, TV, newspapers), speak and write at ease about common social issues.

Viet 214: Heritage Vietnamese-Accelerated Reading and Writing
Viet 214 is primarily offered to Vietnamese heritage students who regularly speak the language at home or within the local Vietnamese communities. Students who have successfully completed Viet 113 or equivalent are also eligible.

Viet 249: Contemporary Vietnamese Urban Culture 
The course will ask students to analyze and debate contemporary social phenomena in Vietnam from an interdisciplinary perspective, with the goal of improving communication skills and cross-cultural understanding.

Viet 361: Postwar Vietnam in Literature, Media, and Film
Explores how social and political changes in Vietnam since 1975 have made profound impacts upon the lives of Vietnamese people at home and abroad.

Viet 496: Special Topics in Vietnamese 
An upper level course designed to acquaint learners with Vietnamese topics for medical, law, and business professions.  View a sample of Vietnamese for Medical Communication here.

Viet 499: Research in Vietnamese
Upper advanced Vietnamese classes with a focus on reading primary, authentic documents in Vietnamese or conversing about specialized topics in Vietnamese studies. This course is offered to undergraduate and graduate students with an approved senior thesis/dissertation proposal relating to the study of Vietnam.

For more information about class placement and language achievement expectations for each class level, please visit the Group of Universities for the Advancement of Vietnamese in America page and a standardized proficiency guideline here.   

Information about Vietnamese proficiency exams can be found here.
