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People - Full Directory
Please Note: Faculty and TAs do not hold office hours during Finals Week and Quarter Breaks.
Name | Title | Email/Phone | Office Hours |
Andriiuk, Tetiana | MA Student in Japanese linguistics, Teaching Assistant in Japanese | tanitaan@uw.edu | GWN M230 Tuesdays 3:00-4:00pm |
Carlyle, John | Doctoral Candidate in Chinese | jtcarlyl@uw.edu | |
Chen, Liyao | Doctoral Candidate in Chinese | lc6113@uw.edu | |
Clare (Wanmin Zhu) (they/them), Avery | PhD Student in Chinese, PreDoctoral Instructor in Chinese | wmzhu@uw.edu | GWN M226 |
Han, Gyeol | PhD Student in Chinese, Teaching Assistant in Korean | gyeol@uw.edu | GWN M224 Tuesdays 2:00-3:00pm |
Laiman, Jonathan | MA Student in Buddhist Studies | jlaiman@uw.edu | |
Lanneau, Grainger | Doctoral Candidate in Chinese | gl38@uw.edu | |
Marino, III, Joseph A. | Cris & Melissa Upton Cyders Professor of Buddhist Studies, Assistant Professor | jamarino@uw.edu 206-897-1584 |
GWN M229 |
Wang, Ping | Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator, Graduate Admissions & Education Committee Chair | pingw@uw.edu 206-543-4286 |
GWN M246 Thursdays 2:30-3:20pm |
Zhang, Ben | PhD student in Chinese | benzh@uw.edu |
Adjunct/Affiliate Faculty
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Emeriti Faculty
Name | Title | Email/Phone | Office Hours |
Yue-Hashimoto, Anne | Professor Emeritus of Chinese | anneyue@uw.edu |