The work of Professor Heekyoung Cho has been featured in the Winter 2024 issue of HUMANITIES: The Magazine of the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH). The article, "What Is a Relay Language?", explores Heekyoung's research into the ways in which early twentieth century Korean authors and translators drew on nineteenth-century Russian literature – mediated through Japanese translations – as they gradually brought a Korean national literature into being. In 2014, Heekyoung received a grant from NEH to complete her book Translation's Forgotten History: Russian Literature, Japanese Mediation, and the Formation of Modern Korean Literature (Harvard University Press, 2016), in which she "highlights translation as a radical and ineradicable part—not merely a catalyst or complement—of the formation of modern national literature" and "rethinks the way modern literature developed in Korea and East Asia." Congratulations, Heekyoung!