The student must meet the minimum admissions requirements for the doctoral program as the Graduate School may set forth. An MA degree in a related field is a requirement for admission to the PhD program. Students currently enrolled in the MA program in this Department must submit a Petition to Proceed in order to be admitted to the PhD program.
Students can also gain professional training and experience in teaching and conducting empirical research in Asian languages via UW's Graduate Certificate in Second/Foreign Language Teaching, which can be added to any graduate degree.
Degree Requirements
Students must read and follow the department's PhD guidelines. All PhD students must meet the requirements set by the UW Graduate School, found in Graduate Policies 1.1.1 and 1.1.4. In addition to the Graduate School's requirements, the Asian L&L Chinese Program has the following PhD degree requirements:
I. Course Requirements:
Course selection is to be determined in consultation with the faculty adviser, and may include appropriate courses from other language programs within the Department and from other Departments. Coursework must include Department courses in both literature and linguistics:
At least two CHIN courses (10 credits) in literature
At least two CHIN courses (10 credits) in linguistics (normally including CHIN 442)
ASIAN 800 Doctoral Dissertation (27 credits)
Additional coursework may be required to ensure sufficient preparation, in consultation with the student’s faculty adviser, including but not limited to:
Modern Chinese: CHIN 411, 412, 413
Classical Chinese: CHIN 551, 552
II. Field requirements:
Students pursue advanced studies in three distinct fields, each of which is supervised by a different member of the graduate faculty. One of those fields is normally taken with the faculty adviser. The second field must be with another member of the Chinese program graduate faculty, in an area that is significantly different or distant from the first. The third field may be pursued outside the Department. The topics of all three fields should be determined in consultation with the faculty adviser.
III. Examinations:
The student is examined in each of the three fields separately by an appropriate faculty member. Prior to the General Examination the student must demonstrate a reading knowledge of an additional Asian language or pertinent European language. The choice of language and measure of proficiency is determined in consultation with each student's faculty adviser.