Kishangarh, a small principality in Rajasthan, India is famous for its gorgeous paintings of the world of the divine pair Radha and Krishna.

from "Krishna with Gopis on a Riverbank,"
India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh, circa 1750-1775
They are often illustrative of the devotional poetry of the men of the royal family, such as Nagaridas, who are famous. But the women were no less accomplished authors. Anjali Yadav, graduate student in Asian L&L, is working on the literature of Kishangarh palace women, and Asian L&L Professor Heidi Pauwels wrote 3 books on the local culture. Together they have mounted the small exhibit: “Missing Women Authors: Songs from the Kishangarh Zenana,” featuring Kishangarhi paintings, poetry, and recordings of the songs, still popular today. Anjali designed the exhibit poster.

Professor Pauwels will give a talk about the research in the Allen Library Auditorium (Allen North, ground level) on Thursday, November 16 at 3:30 PM.