Proficiency & Placement Tests

Language placement and proficiency testing at the Department of Asian Languages & Literatures is supported by the Language Learning Center (LLC). Please visit the LLC's page on Asian Languages & Literature Testing for information on language placement and proficiency testing, including links to register for placement and proficiency tests. If you have any questions about placement and proficiency testing, please contact the LLC at

Bengali | Chinese | Hindi | Indonesian | Japanese | Korean | Sanskrit | Urdu | Vietnamese

If you have already been placed in a language class and need an add code or wish to check on the status of a wait list, go to the Add Codes and Wait Lists page.


Proficiency or Placement?

Proficiency tests measure your ability in a language and are used to satisfy or waive language requirements. Proficiency tests are not used to determine what level of language course you should be taking. No credits are awarded for taking these tests. Proficiency tests cover what students are expected to know after one year of university-level language instruction.

Proficiency tests are available to currently admitted and enrolled students at the University of Washington. The Department of Asian Languages & Literature does not offer proficiency tests to those outside UW (e.g., high-school students seeking admission, prospective students, extension students, etc.), nor does it offer testing in languages not in our curriculum.

Please review the page on Proficiency Test Reporting and Policies for important information and deadlines for proficiency tests.

Placement tests determine which level of language course is appropriate for your background and ability. Placement tests cannot be used to waive language requirements. No credit is given for taking these. Placement tests are available to currently admitted and enrolled students at the University of Washington. 

After you have determined whether you need a proficiency test or a placement test, find your language below and follow the instructions. Many proficiency and placement tests offer both remote and in-person testing options. If you have questions about which test you should take, please contact the Language Learning Center at  
