Contact Information
Fields of Interest
Sam Patwell is interested in modern and contemporary Chinese fiction. He is especially fascinated by speculative fiction and popular culture including (but not limited to) science fiction. Sam wrote a previous thesis about Chinese science fiction in translation focused on the Three Body Problem.
GPSS Senator
Duties: This officer represents AL&L at the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) meetings on campus. This officer can help AL&L graduate students bring awareness to events by advertising them at GPSS meetings, petitioning for special funding for graduate student-related events and/or department equipment. A special thing AL&L brings to GPSS is that our department has a greater number of international students, and as such, our representative brings a different point of view to the Senate.
Contact me if: 1) you are interested in this position, or 2) you have any questions regarding advertising graduate events campus-wide, extra funding options for events or the department, etc.