4th Northwest Conference on Japanese Pedagogy

Submitted by Amanda Kristine Burks on
Group Photo from the 4th Northwest Conference on Japanese Pedagogy
Wheel of Power/Privilege

The Japanese Program hosted the 4th Northwest Conference on Japanese Pedagogy on May 20-21. Though this was the first in-person conference after the pandemic, it was attended by 32 participants, including graduate students, K-12 teachers, and college instructors who are mainly from the PNW region, and presenters from other parts of the country. The theme of the conference was “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Japanese Language Classrooms - 日本語教師が現場でできることは何かを考える”. The conference opened with a keynote speech titled, “Empowering Teachers: Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Japanese Language Classrooms” by Prof. Yoshihiro Mochizuki, a lecturer in Japanese language at the University of Michigan, followed by discussions and 7 presentations related to the theme. The presentations showed examples of various supports each instructor provided in their classroom, from grading to material development and classroom activities. This event provided the opportunity for the participants to gain knowledge of DEI-related issues and consider strategies to create a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all the students from diverse backgrounds.
