Learn Locally, Speak Globally: Asian L&L Course Trailers World Premiere

Submitted by Dale Hunter on

The Department of Asian Languages & Literature is delighted to announce the "world" premiere of four new course trailers for languages taught within the Department.  These videos, which cover Bengali/BanglaHindiIndonesian, and Urdu, and star our very own faculty and students, provide important information for those students curious about the benefits of foreign language study generally and these languages specifically.   Whether you are looking to engage with new cultures, bolster your credentials for a future career, or fulfill your language and credit requirements here at the UW, you will find ample insight contained in these short films.

The trailers were produced through the efforts of the following faculty--Nandini Abedin, Prem Pahlajrai, Pauli Sandjaja, Jameel Ahmad, and Jennifer Dubrow--with help from UW Video and the Language Learning Center, and backed by the College of Arts of Sciences.    They can be viewed by clicking on the links here directly, or going to the Department's YouTube Channel or Facebook page.
