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People - Full Directory
Please Note: Faculty and TAs do not hold office hours during Finals Week and Quarter Breaks.
Name | Title | Email/Phone | Office Hours |
Bahrawi, Nazry | Assistant Professor | nazryb@uw.edu 206-543-3086 |
GWN 239 Mondays 2:30-3:30pm |
Cho, Nicole | Teaching Assistant in Korean | hsc75@uw.edu | GWN M224 |
Mack, Ted | Professor, Undergraduate Education Committee Chair | tmack@uw.edu 206-543-4356 |
GWN 248 Wednesdays 2:00-3:00pm |
Prihandita, Anselma Widha | PreDoctoral Instructor in Southeast Asian Languages and Literature | anselmap@uw.edu | GWN M216 |
Adjunct/Affiliate Faculty
Name | Title | Email/Phone | Office Hours |
Mawkanuli, Talant | Adjunct; Teaching Professor in Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures | tmawkan@uw.edu 206-616-5616 |
DEN 241 |
Emeriti Faculty
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