Beginning in AY 2018-2019, instruction in Thai language will no longer be offered through the Department of Asian Languages & Literature, and will instead be offered through the Jackson School of International Studies' Southeast Asia Center.
In order to accommodate students previously enrolled in First-Year Thai, the Department of Asian Languages & Literature will be offering Second-Year Thai only during AY 2017-18. All further courses in Thai will be offered through SEAC after Spring 2018. We do not anticipate reviving the curriculum through AL&L in the near future.
This decision was not taken lightly, as AL&L has offered instruction in Thai for the past fifty years. It was necessitated by an austere budget outlook and justified by low enrollments and a paucity of UW faculty and students conducting research in Thai studies. The final decision was made by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, in consultation with the divisional dean for the humanities, director of the Southeast Asia Center, and chair of the Department of Asian Languages & Literature.
Please consult the Southeast Asia Center website to find current offerings.